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Digital Slate
1 min read
Overview #
Jetset has an integrated web server that enables external devices like laptops or tablets to work as a digital slate.
The digital slate is tested with Chrome and Safari.
Anti-Glare Covers #
Tablet and notebook screens are by default highly glossy, and reflect the environement. This can cause problems with the automatic ID marker detection in Autoshot.
To prevent this, use a standard anti-glare cover applied to the screen.
Connecting #
To connect, you can either manually enter the IP address of the Jetset device you’re connecting to, or click the Open Webpage button in Autoshot:

Displayed Data #

The digital slate display is color coded.
- Fields that are colored grey can only be changed on the Jetset app.
- Fields that are colored gold can be directly edited on the slate, and the edit will automatically transfer to the Jetset app.
The following data is displayed on the digital slate:
- TOD TC: time of day timecode. This updates once per second (due to browser limitations) so the Frames part of the display stays at :00.
- Lens: this shows the current simulated focal length of the Jetset device.
- Camera, Roll, Scene, Take: current take configuration.
- UUID: the current unique 10 digit hex identifier that is created for each individual Jetset take.
- Lens File: when using Jetset Cine, this shows the current lens calibration file loaded for the take.
- LOC: user defined field. Usually INT Day, EXT Night, etc.
- DIR: director
- DP: directory of photography
- NICK: the six digit (or less) ‘prefix’ defined for the project. This should be identical across all project files for rapid sorting.
- DATE: current shooting date
- NOTE: space for user entered notes.
Updated on May 25, 2024