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Fixing Autoshot Crashes
< 1 min read
If you run into the situation where Autoshot crashes when launching, it may have corrupted a specific file that Autoshot uses when starting up.
We’re still tracking down what causes this, so below is a set of steps to take to both fix the problem, and give us a file to look at to debug it.
The culprit is usually the Autoshot.yaml file. In Windows, this is located in C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Autoshot\autoshot.yaml. \
To fix this, the basic idea is to just rename that file to some other name, and send us the renamed file. Autoshot will re-make the autoshot.yaml file the next time it runs.
Windows Explorer #
One way to do this is simply to navigate in Windows Explorer to the directory, then right click on the autoshot.yaml file and rename it.
Powershell #
You can also open Windows Powershell (type power into the Windows search bar), and then enter these 2 commands:
cd $env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Autoshot\
Move-Item -Path .\autoshot.yaml -Destination .\autoshot_backup.txt
Then, you can email us the “autoshot_backup.txt” file, and we can help track down this problem.